Recruitment of professionals

Get access to our extensive network to recruit the best talent!

A structured approach and a responsive team!

Is your HR department overflowing with job vacancies and under pressure to carry out all related tasks? The Toumaï team will come to the rescue. Let’s work together to accelerate your recruitment. Here is our process:

  1. Understand the needs and the organizational culture
  2. Develop the job description
  3. Conduct a candidate search off the beaten track
  4. Salary benchmarking
  5. Interviews, comparative studies of candidates, reference-checking, psychometric tests
  6. Dashboard and unwavering periodic updates
  7. Constant communication to maintain candidates’ interest
  8. Love at first meet!

Why choose Toumaï to recruit your professionals?

We contact an impressive number of candidates in a short time.

Our team is available and committed.

You get updates throughout the process.

You get to enjoy a seamless experience.

Our pricing is fair and accessible.

Our approach is structured and reassuring.

We only bring forward quality candidates.

We understand your reality and lighten your daily workload.

Let Toumaï promote your business to the best talent out there!